h2. What is Swiz?

Swiz is a framework for Adobe Flex, AIR, and Flash that aims to bring complete  simplicity to RIA development. Swiz provides:
* Inversion of Control / Dependency Injection
* Event handing and mediation
* A simple life cycle for asynchronous remote methods
* A framework that is decoupled from your application code

In contrast to other major frameworks for Flex, Swiz:
* Imposes no JEE patterns on your code
* No repetitive folder layouts
* No boilerplate code on your development
* Does not require you to extend framework-specific classes

Swiz represents best practices learned from the top RIA developers at  some of the best consulting firms in the industry, enabling Swiz to be  simple, lightweight, and extremely productive.

h2. How Do I Get It?
The latest code can always be found on GitHub at [http://github.com/swiz/swiz-framework/|http://github.com/swiz/swiz-framework/].

h2. A Little Help Here?
If you have any questions please join the [mailing list|http://groups.google.com/group/swiz-framework].

Swiz is provided under the [Apache License 2.0|http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0]

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h2. Swiz in Pictures

