

One of the utility classes that is part of the Swiz library is AutowiredTestCase. As the name implies, you can use this class to help test your Swiz applications. Let's look at a sample FlexUnit 4 test that uses AutowiredTestCase. First, the class under test:

package org.swizframework.testapp.control
	import org.swizframework.testapp.event.MyEvent;
	import flash.events.IEventDispatcher;

	public class MyController
		public var dispatcher : IEventDispatcher;
		public var didSomething : Boolean = false;
		[EventHandler( event="MyEvent.CONTROLLER_ACTION_REQUESTED" )]
		public function handleAction() : void
			didSomething = true;
			dispatcher.dispatchEvent( new MyEvent( MyEvent.CONTROLLER_ACTION_COMPLETE ) );

You can see this is a simple controller, which responds to the CONTROLLER_ACTION_REQUESTED event, updates a property, and then dispatches CONTROLLER_ACTION_COMPLETE. We want to test that the controller is responding to the correct event, property updating the property, and finally dispatching the completion event.

The event itself is a simple event class:

package org.swizframework.testapp.event
	import flash.events.Event;
	public class MyEvent extends Event
		public static const CONTROLLER_ACTION_REQUESTED : String = "controllerActionRequested";
		public static const CONTROLLER_ACTION_COMPLETE : String = "controllerActionComplete";
		public function MyEvent(type:String)
			super(type, true, false);

Finally, the test case itself:

package org.swizframework.testapp.control
	import org.swizframework.testapp.MyController;
	import org.swizframework.testapp.event.MyEvent;
	import org.flexunit.Assert;
	import org.flexunit.async.Async;
	import org.swizframework.core.*;
	import org.swizframework.utils.test.AutowiredTestCase;

	public class MyControllerTestCase extends AutowiredTestCase
		private var myController : MyController;
		 * Create the object under test, create Swiz configuration, and build the Swiz context 
		 * so that it can process the test objects as beans.
		override public function constructSwizContext() : void
			myController = new MyController();
			swizConfig = new SwizConfig();
			swizConfig.eventPackages = "org.swizframework.testapp.event.*";
			beanProviders = [new BeanProvider( [myController] )];
		public function cleanUp():void
			myController = null;
		public function testControllerActionRequested() : void
			Assert.assertTrue( "Controller property is already true.", myController.didSomething == false );	
			Async.handleEvent( this, swiz.dispatcher, MyEvent.CONTROLLER_ACTION_COMPLETE, checkEvent ); 
			swiz.dispatcher.dispatchEvent( new MyEvent( MyEvent.CONTROLLER_ACTION_REQUESTED ) );
		private function checkEvent( event : Event, passThroughData : Object ) : void
			Assert.assertTrue( "Controller property was not updated.", myController.didSomething == true );	

We start off setting up an instance of Swiz that the test can use. AutowiredTestCase has a method marked with [Before] metadata, so that FlexUnit runs it before each test. Next, create an instance of the class under test (MyController), then set the event packages on the SwizConfig. Finally, we place the MyController instance into a BeanProvider, so that Swiz will process it as a bean. This way, any Swiz metadata in MyController is processed.

The test method dispatches a CONTROLLER_ACTION_REQUESTED event. If all goes well, the event handler in the controller should run, update the property, and then the controller will dispatch the completion event. Running the test produces a passing result.

Note that because Swiz actually processes your test case itself as a bean, you can use Swiz metadata in your test if you want or need to. So injecting a dispatcher, handling an event, or testing custom metadata processors are all possible as well.